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Are there any On-Line Jobs Anywhere? 

Posts: 2

Posted On: 7/5/2014
I have some difficulties with walking, therefore I am very much interested in finding a job that I could do on-line from my home.

Does anyone know if there are this type of jobs?

I thank you for the information you can provide me.

I am a permanent resident.
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 7/10/2014
Posts: 4104

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

We can appreciate why you would be interested in this type of information.

As you may already know, when it comes to looking for on-line, work from home type positions, it is important to be aware that there are many times advertisements for these type of positions however, they are often times what people call "scams".

It is important that you confirm that any of these type of positions are in fact legitimate on-line/work from home positions.

It is also important to note that oftentimes, many of the legitimate on-line positions are only available to people residing in the United States.

You can find some interesting information in various internet articles related to online jobs.

In terms of looking for listings of jobs, you may be able to find some helpful information in our Settlement.Org Where can I find general job listing websites? article.

It may also be helpful for you to contact the nearest Employment Service for some assistance. These free employment services to help you look for a job, plan your career or start your own business.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS