msale Posts: 1
Posted On: 5/24/2017
I am hoping someone can tell me if there are any options for a Low Income Senior; my mother in this case, she is 75 years old and doesn't qualify for Old Pension Plan because she became a landed immigrant in 2012 (less than 10 years ago), her monthly income is $250.
I found out that there was an option for her to apply to ODSP since she's older than 65 and doesn't qualify for OPP, but since my brother sponsored her to come to Canada, they told us that for 10 years he is responsible to provide her with everything and that if she goes into ODSP everything the government gives her, he will have to pay at the end as a sponsorship debt.
She lived with him and his family for a few years but now she lives with me, we rent a small house, the relationship between her and my brother is good, she just chose to move out.
I am not in a great position financially, however I try to support her in every way I can, but it is possible that I will have to move away for work and she wouldn't be able to support herself.
I was wondering if there was any other option she could apply to for support.
Any information is greatly appreciated.
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4121
Posted On: 5/30/2017
Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.
Your mother may want to go and speak to a Settlement Worker in the nearest settlement agency to find out if there are any other options available to her.
Your User ID indicates that you are in Hamilton.
You can find the nearest settlement agency by using our Services Near Me tool.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.
===== Anna Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS Settlement.Org
Check49 Posts: 1
Posted On: 8/29/2018
I am 68 years old, receive OAS a a small CPP which brings in under $800. a month income. My husband and I have just separated and he has left me to pay $638.00 a month rent. I have applied for G.I.S. but have been told that my application will not be processed until January 2019. I have also been on a social service housing waiting list for over a year and have also put my name on a new waiting list with housing where they will subsidize your rent where you are living at present. I have no idea when my name will come up on either list. Until then I do not have enough income to cover my monthly expenses. Is there any temporary financial assistance for seniors in this type of situation?
Claudette Posts: 2
Posted On: 4/2/2024
Hello i am so happy when i found you on here cause i feel i am being abused andthe city welfare worker and noy sure if the boss that rights outvthe checks are prejiduces against me. I have to go thru them when we dign up for government low income housing but i am on ODSP. When i seen the place i didn't really want it but was talked into it abd tgey told me if i refused it i can never again apply. I dud want a place when i would be lije 70 but u am only 60 and gave veen here since 2000. I notice after receiving my new sofa my son had bought me for my new place and a leather reclining cgair n ottoman cause my lower back and i had some trouble with my legs so after getting nycsida i notuce therexwee thus brown fluffy bugs abd i thoight at furst they were dust but when i got bit by one i found out it wasn't but i necer saw bugs lije that but not much longer i had my feet on a small foot stepper i had fell asleep and i got waken up by thus hugr hufe at least 8 yo 10 pound nasty looking bug and so i sent it to tge welfae worker and ask her what thr hrll and she sent me vack that she check it out and it was a Beetle bug and i never saw aby kibd of bugs lije thar in my life and from then on it becer stop and i call the housing to see what they coukd do but i will cut it shorter they sent one that told me a story different then tgem apoebrentky cause to me ge said i will send my boss in two weeks xause they ask necto save tge bufs in different jars abs so i had a bunvh of them so yhat qas ehy i xall the housing after 2 weeks and she started yrlling and told me i was on a black list snd never yo botter the janitor thar works in tgr building or that office ever again but noe these basty hugs are in my kegs my hair my ears my uribe abd they will not remove ne and tgeyctold me that they're SPCO doesn't deal with beeyke but i bever either abd 4 years later my gealth is at risk i alwstd wad 165 pounds and for 2 years now i'm 90 pounds my one keg were thee are lots in that one is almodt paralyse from yhem sprayong in my legs and having yhos deazy attacks in my legs and no one will help. me i feel i will dye wiyh in 4 months.please any suggestions.
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4121
Posted On: 4/17/2024
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us. We appreciate your interest in this information.
If you are in Ottawa, you may find helpful information on this page about submitting a Complaint to the city. Here is the form to submit a complaint about community and social services. Here is an excerpt:
Submitting a Complaint
In order to submit a formal complaint to the City, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Details of what happened
- Where did this happen? Is it within the City’s area of responsibility?
- When?
- Who was involved?
- What was said or done?
- What kind of resolution is being sought?
- Contact details of the complainant
All complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information will be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with the Act. More information on the Act is available on our website.
You may also find some helpful information in the discussion forum thread: Ontario Works Caseworker ignoring my emails.
Here is an excerpt:
You can contact your local office for more information or escalate your complaint above your caseworker and their direct supervisor.
If you’d like to file a complaint about your worker and the way they have conducted themselves professionally you can submit a complaint to the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
If you wish to make a complaint about the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services itself, you can do so through the Ombudsman of Ontario. It may be best to contact the nearest Community Legal Clinic for some additional information regarding what your rights are in this situation as a tenant. Steps to Justice also has a compiled list of programs and services for help in housing law that may be of interest to you.
According to StepstoJustice, If you have a problem with cockroaches, bedbugs, mice, or other pests, your landlord must take steps to get rid of them and to stop them from getting in. This is a normal part of the maintenance that landlords must do.
As a tenant in Ontario, you have legal rights. These rights are explained in the Human Rights Code and the Residential Tenancies Act. You may find the article, What are my rights as a tenant? helpful.
You may also find helpful information in the StepstoJustice article, I have mobility issues, does my landlord have to make adjustments to the rental unit for me? Here is an excerpt:
Ontario's Human Rights Code says that if you have a disability, your landlord must try to accommodate you. This means the landlord must make adjustments so that you can use and access your apartment and your building. For example, your landlord may have to:
- install a ramp or hand rails to make it easier for you to use the building
- widen a doorway so your wheelchair fits
- renovate your bathroom or kitchen so you can use them properly
The landlord may also need to change their policies if your mobility disability makes it difficult for you to follow the policies. For example, your landlord may have a policy that says rental payments must be made in the office on the 3rd floor, but the building has no elevator. The landlord may have to accommodate your mobility disability by allowing you to pay your rent another way.
Connecting with a community legal clinic can help you with this advocacy effort, I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.
Your Settlement.Org team