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EI application and ROE last day worked 

Posts: 5

Posted On: 10/11/2018
Posts: 5
October 10, 2018

I've been working for a construction company for last 7 years for one owner. Due to shortage of work he is shutting down his business. My self and other employee requested for lay off, but owner issued ROE to other employee in May 2018 and asked me to continue.

He has not paid my salary for last 7 biweekly pay period except some lumpsum amount in middle of September 2018 after returning from his vacation. When he paid this in Sept 2018 , he told that when accountant comes to office he will adjust the previous paystub as he is not familiar with accounting software. Till date he has not paid the remaining salary. This kind of irregularity is not new with this company and happened in the past, where the owner has paid the late salary.

Two weeks before, I had a discussion with owner. Now he is saying that he has not paid the EI and CPP and payroll deduction to the CRA from July 2018 on wards pay period. Monthly payroll deduction are reported as "NIL" to CRA , in spite owner being aware that I am working for him and still employee of his company. He has decided to issue me ROE with last date of work as end of June 2018 and not from current October date. I am still working in office, as he asked me to continue with reduced hours. (4 hour /day). He is saying that I should not worry for the ROE back date and file the EI claim.

I am not sure how this will affect my EI benefit, as last day worked for the company will be end of June 2018 in ROE and the date of issue for ROE will be of current Oct 2018 date. He is not going to report the salary that he supposed to pay me from July 2018 till date on ROE .

What date I should put when filing EI claim application online to service Canada? Do I need to stop working for him totally to apply for EI?

Can he still remit the payroll deductions to CRA and correct his mistake? According to him, he is remitting this amount monthly to CRA.

I've worked with him for long and donot wish to spoil relationship for the sake of reference for future job with other companies. I have communicated my concerns to the owner and requested to avoid further complications. I am not sure for outcome but seeking an advise in this forum.
Thank you,
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 10/24/2018
Posts: 4104

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

Thanks for sharing the details of your situation.

We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this situation.

It may be best if you contact Service Canada directly for some information specific to your situation.

You may also want to contact the nearest Community Legal Clinic for some advice regarding your situation.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS