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Applying for jobs while on implied status 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 3/26/2020
Just to be clear, I am not asking if I am eligible to apply for jobs while on implied status. I understand that I am eligible to continue working while on implied status and I have an open work permit so I can get a job with a new employer with no issue.

The issue is that I only sent my PR application a few weeks ago and I've just found out that there's a strong chance that my employer will not renew my contract past the end of April. Obviously I would like to look a for a new job before then. My question is about how to deal with the fact that I am on implied status in job applications. It seems like potential employers would be hesitant about hiring someone for a permanent job if their right to work in the country is dependent on a PR application which has not yet been approved. I am very confident that my PR application will be approved (I am being sponsored by my common-law partner; we meet all the requirements and we provided plenty of evidence that our relationship is genuine). But from a potential employer's perspective I could have my application refused at any time and lose my right to work in Canada.

I am wondering if anyone has experience with applying for jobs while on implied status? How did you broach the topic with potential employers? Is this something I should mention in a cover letter or during an interview? How did employers react to this information?

Hope someone can help me with this! Thanks in advance!
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 4/28/2020
Posts: 4104
Hello There,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us. We hope that users are able to share their experience applying for jobs with implied status.

If you have an open work permit and a valid SIN, you are correct that you are allowed to look for a new job while you wait for your sponsorship application to be processed.

Regarding whether or not it is necessary to include information about your immigration status in your cover letter, it is advised that you do not include personal information such as age, marital status, gender, religion, social insurance number (SIN), political affiliation or immigration status.

A potential employer typically does not ask personal questions. However, in preparation for such a question, you may find helpful tips and information in the Settlement.Org article, How do I respond to inappropriate questions in a job interview?

You may also want to seek the advice of an expert in employment counselling regarding how to navigate difficult conversations with potential employers. There are many community agencies that provide services to help newcomers find gainful employment; learn more by reading the Settlement.Org article, Why should I get help to find work?

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.

We hope this information is helpful, and are wishing you the best of luck in your job search.


Your Settlement.Org Team