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Finding two jobs for a great couple 

Rojin Spanahi
Rojin Spanahi
Posts: 1

Posted On: 5/5/2020
Rojin Spanahi
Rojin Spanahi
Posts: 1
Hi, I am Rojin Spanahi and I 've been working in public school as an English instructor for 3 years and in institutes for 7 years.Also My husband is a nurse and he has been working for about 5 I'm 26 and he is 29. We both love our jobs and are looking forward more progress in a good country like Canada. We believe in a bright future.
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 5/26/2020
Posts: 4104
Hello There,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

The eligibility criteria to teach in Ontario may vary between job titles. Teaching, nursing and many other professions and trades are considered regulated professions in Ontario. There are still alternative career choices for those looking to stay in their field. Finding work in a new country can be challenging, you may also want to look through Settlement.Org articles on job listings to help you find work.

You may also want to connect with a settlement agency that provides employment services using our Services Near Me section.

It may help to connect with a community resource navigator at 211 to narrow your search.

211 Ontario is a free, confidential service. Their phone service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here is a link to their live chat if you prefer to communicate online. Their live chat service is available Monday to Friday from 7am-9pm ET.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.

We hope this information is helpful.

Settlement.Org Team