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Waiting for Son's Citizenship - Questions

I have the same problem here. I applied for my son's proof of citizenship in 2012 and they sent it to the program unit which the processing time is much longer. What I don't understand is why there is no sufficient Canadian proof in his application as they already issued a Canadian passport for him. I am in a desperate situation as my dad is really sick and we need to travel. His passport is about to expire and we need to renew it. What I can do for them to expedite my son's proof of citizenship. We need to travel as soon as possible. My son is only 2 yeamy son is only 2 years and he needs to travel with his parents.
Please advise what can I do to have the proof of citizenship processed urgently.
Thank you

born year 2000, my son's application for citizenship certificate was received by ClC last may 9 2011 and CIC started processing his papers June 17 of the same year. i was told by the immigration agent that if the CIC didn't send me letters or notify me about his identity by october 2011, then his application would then meet no hindrance at all, as she (the CIC agent) was looking at April for his certificate to be sent to my son...I called the CIC again last month (April), now they're saying my son's papers were submitted to program support unit..I don't understand...

Another dilemma that i have:
I submitted my wife's immigration application together with that of my son's...My wife arrived here in Canada in April of 2011 and she waited for her PR card to be released leaving my son in Manila by himself. Now she had to go back home as no one would tend to my son except my wife's brother who is currently finishing his college years at the moment. She's there in Manila right now also waiting for my son's citizenship certificate. Questions: Wouldn't her PR status be affected as she waits there in Manila waiting for my son's citizenship papers? Can she come back here to without any trouble?
When my wife arrived in Canada and passed through the Toronto Immigration, the officers asked her if she left a child or children in Manila. She said yes. The officer asked why. This shouldn't happened at all. And she was assured by the Immigration officer that they would do something about the situation..But to this day, we felt like things are still hanging.
My father is undergoing treatment for stage 3 cancer and taking chemo pills at the moment...And he wanted to see his grandson ASAP. Also, am taking maintenance pills for my high blood pressure probably due to stress thinking about by family's future and probably due to work. Thanks for your help.
Am a Canadian citizen.
