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ODSP Recipient Sponsoring Spouse and Step Children

My circumstance is as followed

I am a Canadian citizen and born in Jamaican and currently living in Canada for over 40 years. I married my wife approx 3 years ago in 2012 in Jamaica where I was born. My wife has a daughter 13 years old and a son 18 years old from a previous relationship.

My wife is a qualified geriatric nurse and holds certification. However, as a result of bankruptcy of the employer she once worked for, she has been unemployed 2 years up to current date. I have been her only financial support since that time.

I am currently a recipient of ODSP (disability). I am fully aware that I am entitled to sponsor my wife as a disability recipient. But I need clarification if I can sponsor my wife with with the kids mentioned prior.

Please explain any hurdles that may hinder the sponsorship or if it is even likely to be granted. Is there any conditions that I may be violating? Do I satisfy all the criteria of the Canadian sponsorship and or immigration guidelines?
