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Which is better for sponsorship inside or outside?

Hello, I'm just curious on weather or not I should sponsor my egyptain husband from inside Canada or outside. Let me give you a little background.

We have been married seven years. We have to kids who both have thier Canadian citizenship. I'm Canadian and my husband is egyptain. We got married in Egypt and have been living in Egypt since (seven years). We both work. However, I'm working under the table, because I'm not egyptain. So the school that I work at refuses to give any short of job letter to prove I am working. However, each month I put a piece of that monthly salary in our savings, so I can however provide bank statements if needed. Also, my aunt who owns her own business in Canada is willing to give me a job offer for when we arrive in Canada.

So two questions.

1. Should I take my husband to Canada via visitors visa and then apply within Canada or should we apply from here in Egypt? (Please keep in mind we don't want to separate for any length of time because our two kids)

2. How much money do I have to have in my account to successfully sponsor my husband?

Thank you.