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Land in Ontario or Saskatchewan with CSQ-Possible?

I have a family of 4 people, my spouse, my two kids (2 years and 8 months old)and myself.

We all have QCS and our application is at the federal stage. It's a matter of time and our applications will be approved. Though I applied with the QCS and intended to live in Quebec, I have of late been thinking about this decision a lot.

My reason is that, I'll be moving from the USA with my family.

I'm the only person who knows and speak French.

My spouse doesn't like the idea of settling in a province where English is not the dominant language.

My kids, especially the older ones has began picking the American accent. I don't want my spouse to be frustrated due to language factors. We both have master degrees in Special education from USA. I don't want my elder son to loose the English language he has acquired so far.

Due to this, I'm reconsidering my decision to settle in Quebec.

I'm considering settling in Ontario or Saskatchewan. For this reason, I want to ask if I can land in one of these provinces (Ontario or Saskatchewan) with QCS and be able to process my permanent residency card, social insurance number as well as apply for health insurance coverage and live in one of these provinces without any problem.

Thank you.