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Received COPR Recently - Had some questions


Thankyou for the all support. I was called for Passport sumission last week for express entry and I have COPR with me now. The visa says I can land there by April 2017.

i had a few queries . Please let me know if you can answer the same -

1. The COPR document says destination city as Vancouver . Do I specifically need to land to Vancouver to complete the PR process? I am looking for a job , what if I get in Toronto? Can anyone confirm?

2. Also Can I Work in Montreal with the same PR? I am outside Canada as of today. If I get the job in Montreal..Can I travel to directly to MOntreal to complete the process or do I need to land somewhere else in Canada, complete my PR process and then land?
Received COPR Recently - Had some questions

Thanks for the response.

I came via Express Entry via CEC. No PNP program. I am looking for IT jobs (NOC 2173).

-->So with the above info can I confirm that although my COPR document contains Vancouver as destination city, I can land anywhere in Canada including Quebec? Or do I need land in Toronto , complete the process and then move to Quebec PLease confirm

Moderator wrote:

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

It is great that you are looking into this type of information before your arrival.

If you do not have a specific job offer or ties to a particular city in Canada, in other words, if your application was accepted without specific criteria, then you can land at any port/city in Canada.

If you have been accepted based on a job offer or any other specific criteria that made Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada accept your application because you specified a particular location, you will have to land there. Once here as a Permanent Resident you have mobility rights and can move to another city.

Regarding your additional question, from what we have heard from many of our other users' own experiences, it was possible to land in Ontario, and then travel to Quebec soon after.

However, for certain programs, you may have been required to have landed with a CSQ in order to be eligible.

Therefore, you may not be able to make use of specific programs for immigrants who landed in Quebec via their immigration selection program, but you should be able to access all other provincial services, as any other resident in Quebec would.

For information on the programs and services of the Québec government on the Québec Portal - Your governmental portal of services website.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS