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Can PR Status be Revoked After The 2 Year Mark?

Good Afternoon,

My cousin has been married to his wife for over 4 years and living with her for over 3 years thus fulfilling the 2 year cohabitation requirement.

The relationship has not been working as of late and he wants a separation which he has mentioned to his wife.

She has been physically abusive in the past however he has never filed a formal complaint with the police and she forces him to hand over his paycheck to her every week leaving him with no money of his own.

His wife who works for a government agency has been threatening to advise immigration that he used her to get his PR in Canada if he leaves her.

First off can she do this?

I imagine that she can file a complaint saying that he used her however can his PR status be revoked simply because she is trying to get revenge?

Any information would be greatly appreciated and any resources that I can direct him to.

Thank you,