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Removal Order reason for PR cards not renewed

.Landing time: 2013
.Back again to canda:February 2016
.My wife stayed and my child was born in October 2016
.NOW, that we have only 45 days our PR cards be expired, my wife has met the residency obligation; but me have more 6 month to meet 2YEARS!
Today i am leaving canada and will come back for 30 days later(( before expiration)).
most of my travels were becuase of my business closing, but i had 2 trip with my wife.
I want to apply for renewal befor the expiry date, but want to ask is it ok to do it or not?
If so, do it inside or outside canada?

There are some big happenings in my case which convinced me that applying renewal is ok:
. I have bauhht 2 Houses under my name during last 2 yrs

. I have sighned a Construction contract for building one of my houses
.I have registered a bussiness for my construction business in canada 2 yrs ago
. I have studied for Financial Advising and got the certificate
. Rent an apartment still living
. Lease a care
. Pay my taxes and got Notice of assessments from the first year of landing

Is my situation like a one that makes officer convicnced i’m gonna stay in canada and renew my pr?
