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Am I eligible for OHIP?

Hello all, I am an American citizen and graduated from a Canadian university last year and then proceeded to apply for and receive a PGWP (Post Graduation Work Permit). I am employed at the same place that I've been working since early 2016, so pushing on 3 years now. Throughout these almost 3 years my employment has hovered in between part and full-time employment there. I would say my hours have generally fluctuated anywhere between 26-44 hours depending on the time. For instance, during the school year and during the winter season my hours were at their lowest and now that I have been out of university for a year my hours are between 30-40 hours per week generally.

I am curious as to if I would be eligible to apply for OHIP? I have obviously been working at this place for longer than 6 months, and I plan on staying there for a while while I manage self-employed DIY projects on the side. My place of employment is a kitchen in downtown Toronto but I am also doing freelance art related work during my off time.

My hours shift based on the season. Winter is slower, would I lose my OHIP if my hours dipped below 30 hrs for a few weeks or a month or 2?

All help is greatly appreciated