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Need Urgent Processing- Newborn Birth Certificate
ana_gabriel Posts: 2
Posted On: 12/6/2012
I actually deliver my second child on the 17 nov, I filled the Newborn Registration online and I paid for the Birth certificate, I would like to know if I can get the birth certificate before the times that are shown of the website ( 6 to 8 weeks) I need the birth certificate of my child because we are going on a family trip just now the 24 dec, and without his Birth certificate I cant make his passport and with no passport we can´t travel!!
Is there another option of how getting his birth certificate before?
or is there any other way I can get his passport with any other document or proof??
Please! answer me ASAP! I realy need this information if not I will loose my flights
farayha17 Posts: 5
Posted On: 7/13/2015
What proof of urgency I require to apply for my child's birth certificate.
we have a family wedding coming up which we cannot afford to miss and would like to travel as soon as the doctors give us a go ahead to fly the newborn and mother.
Please advise which office to go to and what documents are required in order to apply for an urgent passport for the baby. Also what is the validity of that passport.