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Survival Job - How much and how soon?
Hasni Posts: 1
Posted On: 3/24/2013
Dear friends,
I am planning to move to Canada soon. Since I am a mechanical engineer so won't be able to start my professional career right away.
It's because I will have to acquire PE first, which may take a year or so. So during that period I shall be requiring a survival job which could help me to run my kitchen at least.
What kind of jobs are available in Toronto that a new immigrant can start with and what are the hourly wages.
Can a person manage to make around 3000 CAD monthly.
And how quickly one can get these kind of jobs.
Please note that I shall be moving with my wife and three kids.
Shereesha Posts: 1
Posted On: 3/10/2016
Dear friends,
I am planning to move Canada,
Can i know the age limit to find the job and for education. thank u