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Can I Choose Which College to Attend? Study Permit 

Posts: 2

Posted On: 5/18/2014
Posts: 2
Hi everyone
Am a Nigerian student and I have a valid visa to enter Canada. I used Fanshawe college to apply for the visa and it was issued on April 8 and bound to expire November 31st 2015. I did two admissions and Fanshawe came along first and then Humber college admission later. My problem is that i used Fanshawe to process my visa but I would really like to go to Humber. Do you think it is okay to pay directly to Humber and show Humber college letter at the point of entry into Canada? Won't there be any problem? Thank you very much
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 5/27/2014
Posts: 4104

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

According to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Call Centre, it depends on the conditions listed in the study permit. They stated that generally, if the other qualified educational institution is in the same province, it should be possible. However, it is very important that you contact the nearest visa office directly for confirmation of what your options are.

According to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Call Centre, it is very important that an Immigration Officer verify what your options are based on the details in your study permit.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Posts: 2

Posted On: 5/27/2014
Posts: 2

Thank you very much.
Posts: 1

Posted On: 7/27/2023
Posts: 1
Congratulations on receiving your visa to enter Canada! It's essential to ensure a smooth transition and comply with the visa requirements for your studies. I am not an immigration expert, but I can provide some general advice that may be helpful in your situation.
Since you have a valid visa issued based on your admission to Fanshawe College, it's essential to clarify whether your visa is specific to that institution or if it allows you to attend any designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada. DLIs are educational institutions approved by the government to host international students.
Here are some steps you can consider:
  • Contact Humber College: Get in touch with Humber College's international admissions or student services department. Explain your situation and inquire whether they can issue a new acceptance letter for you to study at their institution. They will also be able to provide guidance on any additional steps you need to take.
  • Visa Restrictions: Review the conditions and restrictions on your student visa. If it permits you to study at any DLI, you may be able to proceed with Humber College without any issues. However, if your visa is specific to Fanshawe College, you will likely need to apply for a new study permit or make the necessary changes to your existing permit.
  • Immigration Authorities: To avoid any problems at the point of entry into Canada, consider contacting the Canadian immigration authorities or the nearest Canadian consulate or embassy in Nigeria. Explain your situation and seek their guidance on the appropriate steps to take.
  • Deadlines and Timing: Be mindful of the deadlines for enrollment and visa processing. If there are time constraints, it's crucial to act promptly and efficiently.
  • Professional Advice: To ensure you receive accurate and up-to-date information, it's advisable to consult with a qualified immigration advisor or lawyer who specializes in Canadian student visas. They can guide you through the process and provide personalized advice based on your circumstances.
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    Posts: 4104

    Posted On: 7/27/2023
    Posts: 4104
    Hi there,

    Thank you for sharing your helpful advice with our discussion forum community.

    In addition to what has been said, you may find helpful information on how to find a reputable and registered lawyer or immigration consultant in the Settlement.Org articles, How do I find a lawyer? and What other kinds of legal help can I get?. The Steps to Justice "Services in Ontario - Getting legal help in Immigration law" page also has a list of free to low cost services.

    It may also help to connect with a community resource navigator at 211 to narrow your search. 211 Ontario is a free, confidential service. Their phone service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here is a link to their live chat if you prefer to communicate online. Their live chat service is available Monday to Friday from 7am-9pm ET.

    We hope this information is helpful.


    Your Settlement.Org team
    Posts: 1

    Posted On: 9/18/2023
    Posts: 1
    Good morning,i am in Canada with refugee claim and i will like to go to school.
    Posts: 4104

    Posted On: 9/21/2023
    Posts: 4104
    Hello There,

    Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

    According to the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website:

    Most refugee claimants have no legal status in Canada, but are allowed to remain in the country while waiting for the determination of their claim. They are usually subject to an unenforceable removal order. They cannot take advantage of the exemption from the requirement for a study permit in the case of a short-term course or program of study [R188(1)(c)], since the course or program of study in such cases would need to be completed within the period of authorized stay - which is non-existent for them.

    However, pursuant to R215(1)(d) and R215(2)(d), they and their family members may apply for a study permit after entering Canada if they are subject to an unenforceable removal order. In order to do so, they must meet the requirements of R216(1), which is usually possible by virtue of R216(2).

    Persons making a claim for refugee protection in Canada with an existing temporary resident status do not lose their existing status. These persons may therefore attend a short-term course of study without a permit so long as they complete the course within the period of their authorized stay.

    Their existing status may allow for an in-Canada study permit application if, for example, they hold a work permit [R215(1)(c)]. If they lose their temporary resident status (see A47 for loss of temporary resident status), they may apply for a study permit.

    Persons making a claim for refugee protection are exempt from the requirement to provide biometric information when applying in Canada for a study permit.

    Minor children do not require a study permit to attend kindergarten, elementary or secondary school. (A30 (2))

    You may also find helpful information in the Settlement.Org section for Financial Assistance for Post-Secondary Education to help you finance your education if you are looking at post-secondary education. While your claim is being processed, it is being determined whether or not you fall under the category of “convention refugee” or “protected person.” Once you have a letter of determination, you will be eligible for programs designated to protected people. In the meantime, you still have options for financing a post-secondary education. Here is an excerpt from’s article Can I apply for OSAP as a refugee?:
    If you are a refugee claimant, you should refer to the scholarships listed below and also visit the financial aid office of your institution. An advisor from this office can help direct you to different funding options, such as scholarships and bursaries within the institution which you may be eligible for.
    It may be best to consult with a Lawyer or a reputable, registered Immigration Consultant who is familiar with Canadian immigration issues for some advice and assistance with this process. Steps to Justice also has a compiled list of free to low-cost programs and services in immigration law which may be helpful.

    For assistance finding a lawyer, you may want to contact 211 and speak to a Community Resource Navigator. They may be able to refer you to community legal services in your area. 211 Ontario is a free, confidential service. Their phone service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here is a link to their live chat if you prefer to communicate online. Their live chat service is available Monday to Friday from 7am-9pm ET.

    We hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here. Take care, and let us know if you are looking for more information and/or support.


    Your Settlement.Org Team