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UHIP and Pregnant U.S. Citizen Fiancee
ekrynak Posts: 2
Posted On: 8/26/2014
I'm in London on a student visa and have UHIP. My fiancee is a U.S. citizen and lives in the states.
We just found out she is pregnant.
Is there anyway for her to come here for the pregnancy and the birth and have her and the baby covered?
I really want to be a part of this, and I know she wants me with her as much as possible.
MelM Posts: 226
Posted On: 8/26/2014
She can certainly have the baby in Canada - however her pregnancy and birth related expenses won't be covered by UHIP and you will be responsible for paying for these expenses out of your own pocked.
The only way she could have been covered is if you had already lived together as a couple for at least a year in a marriage-like relationship. But if she's living in the US and you are in Canada, then you're obviously not living together. So you don't meet the "living together" criteria and she unfortunately doesn't qualify for coverage.
ekrynak Posts: 2
Posted On: 9/8/2014
Thanks. That's what I thought. I was hoping that maybe I missed something in all my research, but it seems not. What about for the baby? If born in Canada, will I still have to wait before she is covered? My fiancee's current U.S. insurance might (I need to look into it) cover her for the birth here, but would the baby be covered after that?