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Employer Refuses to provide ROE and T4 

Posts: 130

Posted On: 2/9/2015
Posts: 130

I worked for a company last year. I had two shifts in the span of two weeks. Then my employment was terminated.

I was to be paid by cheque for work at the end of the Month.

The company said that I was a contract worker but the CRA has stated otherwise.

The employer did not issue my ROE form back in November 2014.

After numerous emails and phone calls regarding my ROE form and still not received anything.

I was told by them that they have 21 days[till mid Feb 2015 to submit the ROE form.

What should I do as the deadline is approaching and I feel that they are not going to provide it to me.

By the end of Feb/2015 they are supposed to give me a T-4. I do not think that they will.

I was told if I don't get it by mid February to call Service Canada and they will issue out another letter.

Should I proceed with getting legal advice if my former employer is not cooperating?

Please advise.

Posts: 4104

Posted On: 2/10/2015
Posts: 4104

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

It sounds like you have already taken several steps to try to resolve this issue.

We have found some interesting and helpful suggestions from this worker's guide,

What if my employer refuses to give me an ROE?

Only your employer can get and complete the ROE. Your employer is legally obliged to give you an ROE and cannot refuse to do so. If, however, your employer refuses, write a letter to your employer and keep a copy of this letter for yourself. Send the letter via registered mail.


You can also contact your local Service Canada Centre (SCC) or call SCC at 1-800-206-7218 to assist in obtaining a ROE.

You have already taken some of the steps we would recommend such as contacting your employer and Service Canada.

If you need your ROE for the purposes of Employment Insurance, you can also submit a Request for Record of Employment form to Service Canada so that they can obtain your ROE on your behalf.

Some people receive electronic ROEs from their employers. If you receive an electronic ROE from your employer, they don’t need to give you a paper one as well.

You may also want to try contacting a community legal clinic for help.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS