Note that Settlement.Org is unable to answer questions about how to immigrate.
Residency requirements, Government in Canada, Bringing child born overseas...
Can Business Trip be counted as Residence Days?
wwei7575 Posts: 2
Posted On: 2/10/2016
My husband signed a contract with a company which is headquartered in the US. He works on a NA project which requires some travelling to US.
He will not meet the 730 days requirements if he goes on business trip like this. He gets paid in Canada and claimed tax in Canada.
Can he renew his PR card with this situation?
If not, how can we manage to renew his PR card? Thank!
MelM Posts: 226
Posted On: 2/10/2016
Business trips cannot be counted towards the residency requirement. Your husband should wait until he has at least 730 residency days in the last five years before he submits the application to renew his PR card.