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COPR/Visa Name Error - Will Be Corrected at POE? 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 6/5/2019
Posts: 1
Aamritha1983 wrote:

i recently got my work permit to Canada stamped and in the stamping i found that they have not completely printed my Given / First name correctly

In Passport, my first/given name is : Aamritha
In Stamping : Aamrith

(They left out the last character)

They got my last name correctly.
Can anyone help understand if this will be a issue when i travel .
I just need to know if i have to contact Visa Office in Bangalore and what would be the process to correct it.
Thanks in advance

Hi Aamritha,

I faced the similar situation and wondering what I should be doing. What happened with your name? Your reply would be much appreciated.
Posts: 2

Posted On: 6/16/2022
Posts: 2
Hello Team,

we applied for PR and my wife got PPR request. She submitted passport and today got passport from Delhi Office.

on the visa and COPR family name is incorrect compared to passport. Actual Family name is : KOLAGANI but they mentioned as KOLANGANI, "N" is extra in the family name middle. When I checked all the documents I came to know that after biometrics Hyderabad VFS office mentioned name as wrong when they updated bio to the gc key.

I already booked my tickets so in this case what I need to do. Is this need to correct in India or after came to Canada can we correct it?

Please help me
Posts: 2

Posted On: 6/21/2022
Posts: 2
insanecrush wrote:
Hello, PMM
I got my COPR last week with my marital status incorrectly mentioned as 'Married'. I'm a divorcee and had mentioned it clearly in my application for FSW-Outland PR. Had attached the divorce decree dated July 28, 2016 too. Date of COPR - September 14, 2017. Should I have it corrected by sending the original divorce decree's copy to CIC? The visa stamped on my passport also clearly states 'Admit one person'. I live in India and intend to land in Toronto by March 2018. I raised a request in the IRCC Web Form - New Delhi link, but haven't heard back from them. Apparently, they will respond in 30 days. Kindly advise. Thank you.

Did you get any reply from IRCC Delhi, if yes how many days it taken to get reply.
Posts: 2

Posted On: 4/16/2024
Posts: 2
I recently received my Visa and COPR for me and my family....though all the details on both the visa and COPR are correct i noticec that my passport photograph was placed on my husband's COPR while mine was placed on ths an issue, do i need to contact ircc or it can be corrected at the point of entry.
please note that thrs no typo errors all details on both the COPR and visa are correct only the passport photographs btw mw and my spouse was swapped on our COPR.

i appreciate your response
Posts: 2

Posted On: 4/16/2024
Posts: 2
Pls can anyone help with ths matter? really urgent

Sammy01 wrote:
I recently received my Visa and COPR for me and my family....though all the details on both the visa and COPR are correct i noticed that my passport photograph was placed on my husband's COPR while mine was placed on ths an issue, do i need to contact ircc or it can be corrected at the point of entry.
please note that thrs no typo errors all details on both the COPR and visa are correct only the passport photographs btw mw and my spouse was swapped on our COPR.

i appreciate your response
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 4/17/2024
Posts: 4104
Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us.

It is best that you contact IRCC directly for this information. The IRCC Client Support Centre can provide information and advice regarding this error, you can reach them by phone (1-888-242-2100) or use their web form.

You want to inform them of this error as soon as possible. IRCC outlined the process for this in their helpdesk article, How do I correct an error on my immigration document?

We hope this information is helpful. If you require any further assistance, it may also be helpful to seek the advice of a reputable and registered immigration consultant or an immigration lawyer about your situation. To find a community legal clinic in your area, visit Services Near Me.


Your Settlement.Org team
Posts: 68

Posted On: 5/31/2024
Posts: 68
hereicomecanada wrote:
Hello all

Although I sent my passport, they made an error in my name (switched first and last name) on the visa and CoPR.

Because of time constraint I already made my travel arrangements to land in mid April and do not have time to get it corrected. I have couple of questions which are as follows:

1. How critical is it to get the error corrected? CoPR and visa are just temporary documents.

2. When I land in mid April, can I send the correction forms along with the forms that the IO prepares so that they can get my correct name on the PR card?

Any reply is appreciated. Thank you

A mismatch between your passport and CoPR/visa is crucial for avoiding delays or denial of entry at the Port of Entry (POE) and obtaining a Permanent Resident (PR) card. Correction forms cannot be sent at landing, so you must address the error through the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website. Contact the IRCC Client Support Centre immediately or consider expedited processing if allowed. Keep your passport, CoPR, and visa application details available, explain your situation clearly, and document your communication. Prioritizing this can help avoid complications at the POE or delays in receiving your PR card.