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Canadian living abroad but want to deliver in ON 

Posts: 2

Posted On: 9/1/2016
Posts: 2

I am a Canadian citizen but living abroad in Ethiopia, and 5 months pregnant.

Unfortunately the medical system here is not very good and I've been advised to deliver my baby abroad if possible.

Unfortunately, I can only travel back to Ontario when I am 33 weeks due to my work constraints.

As I understand (after having my first child in Ontario), is that I need to be referred by a family physician to an OBGYN by around 30 weeks, otherwise it will be difficult to get an OBGYN to deliver my baby.

Is this true?

What are the options if I am flying in at 33 weeks?

I am no longer covered under OHIP and will be managing this through my private insurance.

Grateful for any helpful advice.
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 9/1/2016
Posts: 4104

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this situation.

In terms of what other options you may have here in Ontario, you can find some detailed information in our Settlement.Org I am pregnant and don't have OHIP. What health care can I get? article.

You may also find some additional information in this Settlement.Org How much does it cost to get care from a midwife? article.

You mentioned that you will be managing the costs through a private insurance. If do not currently have private insurance and are thinking of applying, it is important to note what they cover and do not cover.

You may find our article Where can I buy private health insurance for newcomers and visitors to Canada? for some tips. Here is an excerpt:

Generally, the coverage you need is for "visitors to Canada." You need to confirm with the insurance company that they have insurance plans for people who do not have OHIP.

Not all health related expenses are covered by private insurance. For example, pregnancy-related costs may not be covered. So, make sure that the plan you choose suits your needs. For some companies, you might have to buy insurance within a certain number of days after arriving in Ontario.

As you can see, unfortunately, pregnancy-related costs are not generally covered.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.
Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Posts: 2

Posted On: 9/2/2016
Posts: 2
Thank you, Anna.

Unfortunately your response did not answer my question.

I am writing on behalf of myself (i.e.. I am pregnant, a Canadian and living abroad), not my wife. I would like to know what options are available to me when I arrive in Ontario at 33 weeks pregnant. Do I still have to go through a family physician to be referred to an OBGYN? or can I register directly with a hospital where I'd like to deliver?
What are the consequences if I am arriving 7 weeks before my due date to see an OBGYN in Canada? Is there anyone I can contact now, ahead of this period to seek some advice?

Grateful if you could address these specifics. I am not worried about insurance - so please no need to address that issue.

Posts: 4104

Posted On: 9/2/2016
Posts: 4104
Hello Daisy,

Thank you for your additional post.

We apologize that the information provided was not what you were looking for.

You mentioned that you are arriving in Ontario.

Many of the hospitals state on their websites that they are always accepting obstetrical patients. In a lot of the cases it states that they accept referrals through Family Doctors or General Practitioners. However, you may want to try and contact the hospital directly to find out what your options are.

We have found some state that they have tried to go through a walk in clinic and then tried to get a referral through the walk in clinic, when the referral was necessary.

There are some hospitals in Ontario that have obstetrics clinics that do not require a referral from a family physician. However, in most cases you must schedule an appointment before going to the clinic. You will find instruction and information on their websites here:

London Health Sciences Centre - Obstetrical Self Referral Outpatient Clinic

Windsor Regional Hospital

St.Michaels Obstetrical Clinic - (Toronto)

Hanover and District Hospital - Centre of Excellence Obstetrics

You may want also want to contact the hospitals that state on their websites that they are always or currently accepting obstetrical patients. These state that they are generally done through referrals. They may be able to give you some insight on what steps to take.

Here are some that we have found:

Women's College Hospital - Family Way Obstetrical Group

Sunnybrook Obstetrical Family Health Team

We are sorry that we are unable to provide any specific information regarding timelines and processes. You will have to get that type of information directly from the hospitals or clinics.

It is also important to note that the hospitals listed here are just some of the ones that we have come across that state they are accepting obstetrical patients or self-referrals, they are not suggestions or recommendations. We are not promoting, advertising or endorsing one hospital or service over another.

Once you arrive in Ontario, you may also want to dial 211 on a phone and speak to an Information and Referral Specialist to see if they can provide you some information specific to the area you will be staying in.

211 is a free service that is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS