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Can my daughter skip 1/2 grade and move to 2/3? 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 9/8/2016
Posts: 1
We are recent immigrants with two children (5 and 7 y.o.). My older child finds school too easy and boring. Last year she was way ahead of her class in reading and writing skills (though more average in math). She was named an Upstander.
She always complained that the teacher paid more attention to the students who could not read well. This year is even worse. As an immigrant. I still don't quite understand how the system of education in Canada works. Can you please explain to me why she is now in grade 1/2 and not 2? What is the point of putting together the children who are not the same age? it feels like a step back for her.

I was wondering if I can ask the Principal to place her in grade 2, skipping grade 1/2. She is definitely capable of doing a lot more. I am worried that her intellectual potential will be wasted.
I do my best reading with her and helping her improve her writing skills (she is trying her hand at short stories) but I would like to see a lot more homework. Last year there was none. This year the (new) teacher is even more 'hands off.'

Thank you
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 9/8/2016
Posts: 4104

Thank you very much for sharing your situation and question with us.

We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this situation.

Your User ID indicates that you are in London.

You may want to contact the nearest SWIS worker (Settlement Workers in Schools) to see if they have any information or suggestions regarding this type of situation.

You may also want to try and speak to the teacher/school directly to see what the options are.

You may also want to ask the school board what their policy is on this issue.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS