Health, including mental health, health card (OHIP), addictions, alternative health...
Are They Eligible for OHIP Coverage?
ForumUser Posts: 540
Posted On: 3/16/2017
I'm a Canadian citizen but resident alien in the US.
I am moving to Toronto with my wife and two kids to attend a PhD program at U of Toronto.
I would like us to all get health coverage under OHIP.
My wife and kids are US citizens.
Am I eligible and can I start my application prior to arrival (I have an acceptance letter with a Sept. 2017 start date).
Are my wife and children eligible or do they need to establish residency/apply for citizenship first?
Thank you.
Navtej Posts: 11
Posted On: 3/18/2017
Hi there,
Congratulations on getting admission in a PhD program of the UFT.
After you move, you will be reestablishing to be a resident of Ontario. In general, there is a three months waiting period from the date you move to Ontario to start getting benefits under OHIP. You have to gather one document each from the Ontario Health coverage document list (form 9998E-82) to be eligible for this card. During the waiting period, you will be covered through the university student health coverage plan (which is linked to the tuition fees) or you may have to buy a private insurance.
Thanks and hope this helps.
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4121
Posted On: 5/18/2017
Hello Navtej,
Thanks for posting a response!
It is great to see you in the Settlement.Org Discussion Forum again!
Hope all is well with you.
===== Anna Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS Settlement.Org
Alib Posts: 1
Posted On: 5/22/2017
I'm nearing the end of the process for PR. Passports were sent in last week. I live in Ontario. Our OHIP expires in June. Am I eligible to renew OHIP without the typical 3 month wait for new residents?
I have work permit and the kids study permit extension applications in but I'm not sure how it works if CIC will still process this if PR granted.Based on processing time at application I thought I would have gotten it in time to renew.
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4121
Posted On: 5/30/2017
Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.
We suggest that you contact ServiceOntario directly.
ServiceOntario Toll free : 1-866-532-3161 In Toronto, (416) 314-5518 TTY : 1-800-387-5559
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation. ===== Anna Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS Settlement.Org