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List of Nonprofit/Consulting/thinktank Conferences
AleciaM Posts: 1
Posted On: 4/29/2018
I was researching online but wasn't able to find much. I am looking for:
i) a list of the top nonprofit /consulting/think tank conferences/workshops/symposiums ii) a list of the most known nonprofit inter-agencies/coalitions/networks in Canada
I am a newcomer looking for events in the field of international development to volunteer at so that I can learn more about the sector in Canada and build my network.
Can anyone help? Thanks!
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4141
Posted On: 5/24/2018
Thank you for sharing your questions with us.
You mentioned that you are interested in volunteering at events specific to your filed of international development.
You may want to contact Volunteer Canada to find out what type of opportunities there are in your field.
You may also want to contact the nearest Employment Service to see if they can connect you with any non profit networks.
We will update you if we come across and listings of conferences that you are looking for.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation. ===== Anna Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS Settlement.Org