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Questions about how to prepare for your first arrival in Canada - customs, proof of funds, initial settlement help, etc... Tell us what happened when you first landed in Canada.

Question about Soft Landing and Moving Possessions 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 8/11/2018
Posts: 1

First of all, thank you in advance for any guidance you may be able to give.

I applied for Canada PR through sponsorship and the process was incredibly (and surprisingly) fast so I have already my CoPR that expires in April 2019. The entire process was less than 6 months. Because of my work and living situation, I had not planned to leave the USA until June 2019.

Consulting some other online forums, it seems that I can land in Canada any time before 04/19.

I am planing to spend Christmas with my partner in Canada, probably will be there for 15 days so I was thinking that I can do the necessary paperwork at the point of entry, leave my partner's address for the submission of the PR card and then go back to the USA until June.

I am not sure if this would be considered a short or soft landing, as I have seen referred it in some places, since I will be staying for more than a couple of days. I would like just to make sure that this possibility is actually real. I know I will need the PR card to get into Canada the 2nd time, but my partner will visit me before I move to Canada.

Also, the paperwork that I need to do at the airport seems to include moving forms BSF186, one for what I will have with me at that moment and another one for what I will be bringing later.

So in my case, the 2nd form will be the one that will reflect the majority my possessions. I'm wondering -
what is the level of detail required on those forms?

I have a large collection of books and I am hoping that I don't have to list them individually. Also, can the cost be rounded?

And finally, I actually moved to the USA from Canada, where I did my PhD and lived for 7 years with a student permit. So most of the possessions that I will be moving back are actually the ones I moved from Canada in the first place.

Does this make a different on how I fill in the forms and the tax/duty I might have to pay? I have all the documentation from that previous move.

I was considering consulting with a lawyer for some of these questions but I thought that this forum might help to see if I really need the lawyer or not. If you recommend I consult with a lawyer, please do let me know.

Thank you again for your help!
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 8/23/2018
Posts: 4104

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

We can appreciate that you would be interested in this type of information.

It is great that you are looking into it ahead of time.

Regarding your first question,

So in my case, the 2nd form will be the one that will reflect the majority my possessions. I'm wondering -what is the level of detail required on those forms?

I have a large collection of books and I am hoping that I don't have to list them individually. Also, can the cost be rounded?

You can find some helpful information and suggestions in our previous Settlement.Org How can I categorize these items? and Duty Free Importation Discussion Threads.

Regarding your second question,

And finally, I actually moved to the USA from Canada, where I did my PhD and lived for 7 years with a student permit. So most of the possessions that I will be moving back are actually the ones I moved from Canada in the first place.

Does this make a different on how I fill in the forms and the tax/duty I might have to pay? I have all the documentation from that previous move.

You may also want to contact the Border Information Services directly for specific information and a definitive response. You can contact them here:

Border Information Services (BIS) from outside of Canada (long-distance charges apply):

(204) 983-3500 or (506) 636-5064.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.
Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
