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Sponsored Dependent adults commits crime in Canada 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 3/2/2020
Posts: 1
I have sponsored my wife and her 2 children who are now 19 & 20. They have received their PR Cards. I was told during the admission interview that i was responsible for the Children until they reach 22. I have read elsewhere that this is 25yrs of age, which is correct? The younger dependent has committed a series of illegal acts both within and outside of the home. The most recent now has him summoned to appear this month. This individual continues to commit acts that are putting me at an extreme Civil Liability Risk, eg driving a motor vehicle that is unregistered and without insurance, despite having already been charged. What can I do as a sponsor to separate myself from this. This only involves one of the 3 people i sponsored. Please help before I find myself bankrupted by this person.
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 3/18/2020
Posts: 4104
Hello There,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

You may find helpful information in the Settlement.Org article Has your child been charged with a crime? The fact sheet attached to this article is available in 8 different languages.

A child who has been charged with a crime needs legal advice from a lawyer who is an expert in criminal law. It is best if the lawyer is experienced with youth criminal law. It is a good idea to be informed and involved with your child's case.

You may want to contact a legal clinic for advice regarding your specific situation. To find a community legal clinic in your area, visit Services Near Me.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.

We hope this information is helpful.

Settlement.Org Team