Colleges, Universities and Institutes, Evaluating Educational Credentials...
Education equivalencies
mturcotte83 Posts: 1
Posted On: 6/11/2020
I earned a diploma in Allied health Sciences - Medical Assistant a little over 15 years ago in the US I have over 12 years experience working in the medical field. Both admin and patient care (in the US I was working in place of an LPN) - Where should I have my credentials etc assessed to gain the equivalent in Canada. I also want to pursue a BA degree utilizing my previous diploma and time in the field. I have seen the website with the 3 bodies able to do this but I am unsure of which one is best and which one gives the best evaluation. OR should I leave this to the university to decide which credits to give me.
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4121
Posted On: 6/16/2020
Hello There,
Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.
You may find helpful information in the Settlement.Org articles Where can I get my international credentials evaluated for education? or Where can I get my international credentials evaluated for employment?.
We hope that forum users are able to provide feedback and information about their experiences with credential evaluation services in Ontario. You may also find helpful information in previous threads regarding credential evaluation.
We hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.
Your Settlement.Org Team