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How can I pay off my lease-to-own electronic?
ForumUser Posts: 541
Posted On: 11/12/2020
Hello I rent a TV and the price never goes down its a lease to own agreement and I want out. Please help.
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4141
Posted On: 11/12/2020
ForumUser wrote:
Hello I rent a TV and the price never goes down its a lease to own agreement and I want out. Please help. Hi there,
Depending on the structure of your lease to own agreement, it is possible that you have paid the accumulated interest of the television you purchased. You may want to work towards making a payment plan with the provider that has a scheduled end-date. This can look like making larger monthly payments and terminating your contract sooner.
If you are not satisfied with a purchase or a service you paid for, you can also make a complaint. You can find some detailed information regarding how to make a consumer complaint against a company in our Settlement.Org article, How do I make a consumer complaint?
We hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.
Settlement.Org Team