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How many students can attend in-person classes? 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 12/9/2020
Posts: 1
How many ESL learners are in ESL classes in person now, during COVID? In accordance with OPH, what is the legal capacity of ESL adult learners to be in person in a class?
Posts: 4123

Posted On: 1/27/2021
Posts: 4123
Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question with us.

COVID-19 restrictions may vary between different regions in Ontario. You can find out what is open and closed in Ontario on the COVID-19 public health measures and restrictions page. We are currently in our second declaration of emergency to address COVID-19 in Ontario, and organizations must operate in compliance with the advice, recommendations, and instructions of public health officials, including any advice, recommendations or instructions on physical distancing, cleaning or disinfecting, and working remotely.
With regards to capacity limits:

Capacity limitsAll businesses or facilities must limit capacity so that every member of the public is able to maintain two metres of physical distancing from every other person, and limit the number of people occupying any room that is open to the public to 50% capacity of the particular room. Some businesses or facilities have additional capacity restrictions that apply beyond the general capacity requirements.
All businesses or facilities that engage in retail sales to the public must post a sign in a location visible to the public that states the maximum capacity they are permitted to operate under.
Please Note:
  • The maximum number of persons permitted in a business or facility that is operating at 50 per cent capacity is determined by taking the total square metres of floor space accessible to the public in the business or facility, not including shelving and store fixtures, dividing that number by 8 and rounding the result down to the nearest whole number
  • The maximum number of persons permitted in a business or facility that is operating at 25 per cent capacity is determined by taking the total square metres of floor space accessible to the public in the business or facility, not including shelving and store fixtures, dividing that number by 16 and rounding the result down to the nearest whole number

This means that while attending classes, you should be maintaining two metres of physical distancing from every other person in the room.

If you have any questions or concerns about your class following public health protocols, you may want to contact your local public health unit.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any follow up questions, please let us know.


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