English as a Second Language, LINC, Language Assessment, Translation and Interpretation, Literacy...
What ESL supports are available for kids?
Elainecheung Posts: 1
Posted On: 2/6/2021
I wonder is there any free virtual ESL class for kids around 6-7 years old?
Moderator Moderator Posts: 4123
Posted On: 3/9/2021
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing your question with us.
Here is an excerpt from the Ministry of Education on language supports available to youth:
Children and youth from kindergarten to Grade 12 may receive support to learn the language of instruction in school if they:
- do not speak English or French as their first language
- speak a version of English or French that is different from that used in Ontario schools
Some school boards have newcomer reception centres where they test your child’s language skills and help you find schools with language training. Contact your local school board to find out what services are available. For more information about Ontario’s school system, read or download the newcomer’s guide to:
The Ministry of Education also launched a platform, Learn at Home that aims to provide families with resources designed to help young students. Here is their section for kids in kindergarten and/or the Grades 1, 2 and 3 .
We hope this information is helpful.
Your Settlement.Org team