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Sponsorship of parents, children, spouses (common-law, conjugal, same sex), refugees.

How can I travel with my newborn? 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 3/22/2021
Posts: 1
Hello Team,

Greetings of the day

Kindly help in getting the details for travel document for Child born to Permamnent Resident Parents outside Canada.

Me and my wife are Permamnent residents. Due to Covid situation we decided against the travel and my wife delivered the baby in India in the month of Jan 2021.

I have a Job in Canada and would be returning back in April Month.

My wife and baby would travel later. I would request you to kindly help with the information on how to get the papers processed for baby.

I would certainly want them to travel as soon as possible.

Thanks and Regards
Varun Puri
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 4/5/2021
Posts: 4104
Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out! We’re happy to try and help with your question.

If you wish for your child to become a permanent resident of Canada, you and your wife must sponsor them to become a permanent resident. Sponsorship is, essentially, a promise to support a person after they have immigrated to Canada. More information on family sponsorships for your child can be found in the guide to sponsoring your spouse, common-law partner, or dependant child.

In general, to be eligible to sponsor your child, you must be able to prove you can provide for the basic needs of yourself, your spouse, the child you wish to sponsor and any other children of you or your spouse. As a permanent resident, you are unable to sponsor a family member while residing outside of Canada. In order to sponsor your child you must submit the application after one of the parents returns to Canada.

Due to issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, permanent resident applications may be delayed. For this reason, it’s advisable to get the application for sponsorship submitted as soon as possible when you return to Canada. This application should be submitted first and then you should apply for your child to accompany your wife to Canada, and then apply for a visitor visa or electronic travel authorization for your child, since you mentioned that you would return to Canada first.

For your child to accompany your wife, she does not require written authorization from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), but she must have the necessary documentation for travel. This includes documentation showing her status as a permanent resident, in the form of valid PR card or Permanent Resident Travel Document (PRTD), your child’s passport, your child’s birth certificate, a visa or eTA, and something proving your relationship, such as a marriage certificate. If the birth certificate is in a language other than English or French, it must be accompanied by an official, certified translation.

If your child is a citizen of a country that requires a visa to enter Canada then you would need a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) for your child. Details on this process can be found in the guide to applying for a visitor visa. If your child is a citizen of a country that does not require a visa to enter Canada, they will need an electronic travel authorisation (eTA) to enter. A list of countries that are visa exempt can be found on the IRCC website.

As your child was born outside of Canada, IRCC will also require additional documentation proving your relationship. If your wife has any medical records about her pregnancy from Canada, this should be included in your applications. Additionally, IRCC may require DNA testing to prove the relationship between parent and child. As you can imagine, this is a precaution as Canada needs to be certain that they abide by the United Nations convention against human smuggling. This testing is overseen by IRCC, but you would be required to cover the costs. More details on DNA testing can be found on the IRCC website.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Your Settlement.Org team

This document does not contain legal advice.

This document was prepared with the assistance of PBSC University of Toronto law student volunteers. PBSC volunteers are not lawyers and they are not authorized to provide legal advice. This document contains general discussion of certain legal and related issues only. If you require legal advice, please consult with a lawyer.

Additionally, if you wish to sponsor your child when you return, and before your wife, you must be able to show that your wife agrees with your child immigrating to Canada.
Posts: 2

Posted On: 6/15/2022
Posts: 2
Hello Varun,

Did you get the answer you need and were able to bring in the baby to Canada?


varunp81 wrote:
Hello Team,

Greetings of the day

Kindly help in getting the details for travel document for Child born to Permamnent Resident Parents outside Canada.

Me and my wife are Permamnent residents. Due to Covid situation we decided against the travel and my wife delivered the baby in India in the month of Jan 2021.

I have a Job in Canada and would be returning back in April Month.

My wife and baby would travel later. I would request you to kindly help with the information on how to get the papers processed for baby.

I would certainly want them to travel as soon as possible.

Thanks and Regards
Varun Puri
Posts: 2

Posted On: 6/15/2022
Posts: 2
Dear Member,

I would like to if anyone was recently able to get a Visitor visa for a child born outside Canada (say in India) while Both Parents are PR holders? I have read about Sponsoring the Child by one of the parents after returning back to Canada however, I also read about Dual Intent (that means Visitor visa along with PR application in progress).

Please let me know which way you have opted and how fast it was to bring in the child.

Posts: 4104

Posted On: 6/30/2022
Posts: 4104
Hello there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us, and we hope you're able to find community input here on the forum. However, it may be best for you to connect with a lawyer with expertise in immigration law. You may find helpful information in the Settlement.Org articles, How do I find a lawyer? and What other kinds of legal help can I get? on how to find a reputable and registered lawyer or immigration consultant.

It may also help to connect with a community resource navigator at 211 to narrow your search.

211 Ontario is a free, confidential service. Their phone service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here is a link to their live chat if you prefer to communicate online. Their live chat service is available Monday to Friday from 7am-9pm ET.

We hope this is helpful.


Your Settlement.Org team
Posts: 1

Posted On: 12/5/2022
Posts: 1
Hello Varun,
How long did it take for you to bring your new born to Canada. Can you please provide details and also on which visa you applied for and how long did it take?