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CIT 0002 - Q10: Addresses inside & outside Canada 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 4/25/2021
Posts: 1
This Question (Q11) allows me only 30 entries max to be added. My travels have been heavy and I need to make around 50 entries for this question. How to do it?

Please help!
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 5/26/2021
Posts: 4104
Hello There,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

According to the Guide: Application for Canadian Citizenship: Adults - Subsection 5(1) CIT 0002, "you don’t need to include addresses of family, friends, hotels or resorts where you stayed while on vacation."

  • Write all your addresses inside and outside of Canada during your 5-year eligibility period, including the postal codes, starting with your current home address. If you were residing, working or studying outside Canada, you must list all of your foreign addresses, including the country postal or mailing codes. Press the plus (+) button if you need more space. You don’t need to include addresses of family, friends, hotels or resorts where you stayed while on vacation.
    Provide information that covers the 5-year eligibility period. Do not leave any gaps during this period and do not leave this section blank. If you do, your application will be returned to you as incomplete.
    Note: Your current address history row 1 will auto-populate from your contact information. If you change your address in row 1, it will change your contact information. Additionality, if you lived at your current address for more than 5 years, then you only need to update the date in row 1 that was auto-populated from your connection information

  • You may want to contact IRCC using their web form to make a case-specific inquiry about additional entries if necessary. You may also wish to connect with a settlement agency for advice regarding your situation and help with your application. It may also help to connect with a community resource navigator at 211 to narrow your search.

    211 Ontario is a free, confidential service. Their phone service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here is a link to their live chat if you prefer to communicate online. Their live chat service is available Monday to Friday from 7am-9pm ET.

    We hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.


    Your Settlement.Org Team