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Residency obligation for PR of 730 days 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 5/11/2021
Posts: 1
I landed in Canada with COPR in April 2018 and stayed for about 2 months in Canada. I was issued PR card in May 2018 with validity till May 2023, but due to certain family obligations had to travel back to my home country. Thereafter I haven't been able to return back to Canada.

Now I intend to return back to Canada in Dec 2021. Would appreciate your feedback on below queries:

1) Will I be permitted to enter Canada at POE since I may not be able to complete 730 days from Dec 2021 to May 2023 (PR expiry date), despite having a valid PR card?

2) If I will be permitted to enter Canada in Dec 2021 and I stay for 730 days till Dec 2023 and thereafter apply for PR renewal in Jan 2024, will IRCC renew my PR card?

3) I am aware that post expiry of my PR card in May 2023, I will not be able to travel outside Canada. But will IRCC deport me out of Canada, say in Jun 2023 post expiry of PR card?

Posts: 4104

Posted On: 5/26/2021
Posts: 4104
Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us.

Whether or not you will be granted entry will be up to the CBSA officer. “There are a number of reasons you can be found inadmissible, denied a visa or refused entry to Canada.”

You may be interested in our Settlement.Org article What are the residency requirements for permanent residents (PRs)?
To meet these residency obligations, you must be physically present in Canada for at least 730 days (2 years) in every 5-year period.

Whether or not this poses a barrier for re-entry would be under the discretion of the border officer. The 5-year period is assessed on a rolling basis. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will look back at your time in Canada over the previous 5 years. You may also find helpful information on this matter in the previous discussion forum thread, When does the 5-year period begin?

It is best that you seek the advice a reputable and registered immigration consultant or an immigration lawyer for information specific to your situation. You may also wish to contact the local visa office or IRCC via web form for general information and advice regarding PR renewal.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.


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