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Repsond Time for Newcomers Enrolment 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 3/1/2022
Posts: 1

My daughter is six years old, I wish to enroll her into the Kindergarten grade nearby (York region school board).

My family arrived in late Jan and have followed the school board webpage instruction to submit the online application to Reception Centre, but there has been no reply since then. Had no reply either via phone or mail enquiry.

May I know what would be the waiting time for the school board in responding to newcomers request to register their child to school?

Thank you!
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 3/21/2022
Posts: 4104

Thanks for sharing your question with us. It is great that you are looking into this type of information before your arrival.

According to one of our Education Experts, it is possible to start school in the middle of the school year or semester. Students can start school at any time but starting in the middle of the school year or semester might make it difficult to get credits for the courses he or she is studying. In terms of credits, they generally apply more to higher grades like middle or high school grades. For your daughter, you may be interested in this Settlement.Org article on high school and course choices which shares a Parent Tip Sheet from People for Education. You may also find additional resources on Settlement.Org on Education helpful in supporting your children through elementary and secondary school.

You can find some additional information regarding enrolling children in school here, How do I enrol my child in school? In addition to the usual requirements, your children may be required to test for COVID-19 and/or quarantine for two weeks if you have travelled recently. Since you are in York region, you may want to contact the York District School Board about enrolling them in school. You should expect a response within the same week, if not you may want to call the office of the elementary school closest to you for assistance letting them know you haven't received a response from the Reception Centre.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.

Settlement.Org Team