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Month behind in rent and landlord won’t reply 

Posts: 1

Posted On: 7/18/2022
Posts: 1
A friend of mine is struggling to resolve her landlord issue, I hope someone here can give some advice and feedback for going forward. She’s emailed her concerns in hopes of coming to a solution but in spite of emails to them they’ve neglected to reply. She’d like to clearly know her rights and any relevant info in this regard so I can be sure to act accordingly. I believe she is allowed to discuss her situation with the landlord and come to a solution but no one is getting back. In numerous emails shes explained hardships, been apologetic of falling short of her obligations as a tenant and proposed arrangements so she still able to pay for expenses such as food, bills and her child’s special needs expenses and assured this to not happen again in the future being well aware of the obligations and responsibilities as a tenant. Still no one has replied to discuss. What are the options here? We appreciate any feedback with kindness and judgement free thanks
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 7/31/2022
Posts: 4104
Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us.

You may find helpful information in the Steps to Justice article, What can happen if I do not pay my rent on time? You may want to contact the Landlord and Tenant Board for general information about landlord and tenant issues at 1(888)332-3234. You may also want to contact the nearest Community Legal Clinic for some advice regarding your situation. You can find the nearest one by using this tool here. Steps to Justice also has a compiled list of programs and services in housing law that may be helpful.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here.

We hope this information is helpful.


Your Settlement.Org Team
W. Bill Hickock
W. Bill Hickock
Posts: 3

Posted On: 2/6/2023
W. Bill Hickock
W. Bill Hickock
Posts: 3
Here’s what I might try. Write a cheque for a small amount of the outstanding rent. Let’s say $50. Photograph the cheque and send it to the landlord via registered mail with a note apologizing and asking what arrangements can be made for you to make up the rest of the debt. This will show your good faith and place the ball in their court.

Even without a reply, keep on paying rent and if you have the money, keep paying off a little bit each month. Make sure you document all of this. Keep track of all your expenses in case you have to prove that you are financially struggling.

If the landlord is ignoring you and hoping that you will further default on your rent, do not do so because they can then evict you. However, if you can be seen to have done all that you can, your tenancy should remain in place.