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HomeFinding a Doctor or other health care professional

Finding a doctor or dentist or other health care professional...


Posts: 540

Posted On: 10/5/2023
Posts: 540

I need some physiotherapy with a doctors referral. I have started this already but I dont have work health coverage. I wonder if the clinic would help me considering my low income.

Posts: 4123

Posted On: 10/5/2023
Posts: 4123
Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us. We appreciate your interest in this information.

The government is investing in physiotherapy, giving 90,000 more seniors and eligible patients access to publicly funded clinic-based services in more communities across the province. You can find a list of publicly funded physiotherapy clinics by region in Ontario here:

The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario also has a page on Government-Funded (OHIP) Physiotherapy and how to access those services. Here is an excerpt:

Am I eligible to receive physiotherapy care through a Community Physiotherapy Clinic (CPC)?
Community Physiotherapy Clinic programs cover physiotherapy for seniors, youth and some other patients at government-funded physiotherapy clinics to help patients recover from illness, surgery or injury.

You will need a referral from a doctor or nurse practitioner to access this physiotherapy at no cost.

Use this option when your doctor or nurse practitioner has referred you for physiotherapy after experiencing:
  • A recent illness, injury, accident or surgery that led to a decline in function or movement
  • A flare-up or worsening of symptoms from a previous fall, accident, surgery, or chronic condition that led to a decline in function or movement
With a valid health card you can receive government-funded physiotherapy if you are:
  • 65 years or older
  • 19 years or under
  • Any age after an overnight hospital stay (within the last 12 months) for a condition requiring physiotherapy
  • Receive Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (any age and a health card is not required)

    According to several sports medicine clinics, visits with a Sports Medicine Physician can be covered by OHIP with a valid health card as well. While OHIP may cover the assessment, costs associated with other aspects of the service (e.g. injections) may not be covered by OHIP, so you may want to confirm this information with the clinic of your choice.

    It may also be a good idea to call TeleHealth Ontario (811) to connect with a registered nurse for free, secure and confidential health advice. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It may also be of interest to visit a Community Health Centre (CHC) for primary care, CHC's provide free to low-cost health care to uninsured people. The Health Network for Uninsured Clients has a comprehensive list of services in the GTA if you live in the Greater Toronto Area. The Ontario Ministry of Health website also has information about Community Health Centres, including a comprehensive list of CHCs across Ontario by region.

    We hope this information is helpful, and wish you all the best. Please follow up with us if you have any further questions.


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