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Surrender PR and apply as a Visitor?


I hope you can advise me on behalf of my niece. She was/is a PR card holder but travelled to India and subsequently had a child over there.

In July 2008, when the baby was 3 month's old, she applied for a visitor's visa for the child so that she could come and visit her family over here in Toronto and also renew her PR status which was due to expire.

The baby's visa was rejected and she was told that she had to make the trip alone, without her baby, and apply from within. Needless to say, she did not do that, the baby was too young to leave behind and fully dependent on the mother.

In Sept. 2008 my niece's PR card expired. In Oct. 2008, she applied for a Visitor's visa for herself, her baby and her husband. This time all three visas were rejected.

Now, she does not know what to do.

Should she surrender her PR status and then apply for a visit visa for herself and family?

What would be the best course of action for her to take?

Is there a number I could call on her behalf and find out details about this situation?

Nevertheless, your opinion on this issue would be highly appreciated.

Thank you.