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In need of Information - Divorce


I am a permanent resident and got married to two years ago (2012) in India.

I stayed there for three months and returned back to Canada after the wedding.

In this two years I have applied for sponsorship and the file has been approved and sent to New Delhi as of May, 2014.

I returned back to India a couple of months back.

When I returned back my partner and the in-laws began demanding that I stay in India and not return to Canada until her sponsorship visa arrives.

My visa was only for three months and I had to return back so that I won't face consequences from the Indian embassy.

Since she and her parents were not understanding of my situation I left the country without notifying them.

I tried contacting them after reaching Canada but they did not respond to me.

They immediately are now asking for divorce and have put cases against my family.

They're putting a dowry harassment case against my mom and demanding that I pay them back all the money they had spent on the wedding.

They also have kept a record of all other money they sent me for various reasons.

Now they want a ridiculous amount of money as a settlement.

I want to know the following?

1) Would my marriage be considered registered in Ontario? Would I need to apply for divorce in Canada as well?

2) Can they use any legal action against me and make me lose my permanent resident status?

3) Is there anything I can do from Canada that could help me fight this case without having to pay what they're asking for?

Thank you,