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Percentage of Gas Bill paid by Tenant - Question


I recently moved into the top floor of a bungalow.

The utilities are to be paidb100% by tenants. Percentage of Payment would be based on how many people are living upstairs and downstairs.

I am a single person, so if 2 people live in the basement they would pay 2/3rds and I would pay 1/3rd. The basement hasn't been rented out yet.

I received the first gas bill and paid it as it was reasonable.

It is now winter and my bill doubled.

The amount owing for the whole house is $200.00 which is reasonable for the full house.

I am only living in 1/2 the house. I can't afford to heat the entire house.

Also the empty basement is warmer than my apt because there are so many places that the cold air comes in through on the upper level

Shouldn't the owner pay a portion until he rents the basement out?

When I rented the place the real estate agent said the utilities wouldn't be more then around $200./mo tops based on the space..

My hydro was 100.

So I'm ready at 300$.

I can't afford to pay 200$ for gas for such a small space.

Please let me know if anyone has any knowledge of what I can do.
