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Citizenship and Permanent Residency


I would like to double check the following please.

I have my permanent residency card and am currently working towards the 730 day requirement.

I understand that to be eligible for citizenship in terms of the new Citizenship Act, one is required to be resident in Canada for a period of 4 years (1,460 days) out of 6 years of which one must be physically present in Canada for 183 days (minimum) per year in 4 out of 6 years.

Are the citizenship requirements listed above in any way linked to your date of first landing?

For example, assume from the date of first landing, I will have sufficient time to meet the permanent residency requirements, (i.e. will have resided in Canada for the required 730 days within 5 years of first landing) but will not necessarily be able to meet the 1460 day citizenship test when calculated back to my landing date, as I have been in and out of Canada since first landing.

Am I correct in my understanding that the new citizenship legislation means that prior to "application" for citizenship, one must meet the required 1460 days i.e. in my example I would just have to delay the citizenship application until I meet this requirement however will not lose my PR status in the meantime or ability to apply for citizenship?

For citizenship, would I then need to renew my PR status, or once I have met the 730 days there is nothing further that I am required to do insofar as retaining PR status as I work towards sufficient days to apply for citizenship?

Many thanks