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Renewal of PR card on Humanitarian Grounds

I got my pr card in 2009.

i have lived in Canada for more than 500 days .

3 years back my grand father got sick, his kidneys got damaged and there was no one else to take care of him but me and my father as he could not walk , his treatment required us to take him for dialysis to hospital 2 times to 3 times in a week, if i convert it into cad$ we used to pay pay $150 every week for his treatment . He was also hospitalized many times for not less than 10 days each time.

In the mean time with i got married so that i could travel to canada for work and my wife could help my dad .

Last couple of years we faced hardship they were not good years for me as my grandfather condition got worst and on top of that my wife suffered miscarriages twice.

My grandfather expired in month of February but i couldn't go back to Canada as my wife was in depression and he treatment was going on as she suffered miscarriage in march.

Now the situation is a that i have no reason to stay and i want to return to Canada so that i can start earning money for my self and then sponsor my wife but my pr card just expired on 17th of this month.

please help me and tell me what should i so to renew my pr card on humanitarian ground as i have suffered allot and now i want to start my life back.

I have all the documents to prove my words and my situation.
