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Water Issue still Unresolved 8 Months In

We moved in to a rental property that has a high sulphur content in the water. We were not aware of this before signing the lease. We have spend 8 months trying to get the issue resolved..service calls, filter replacement and now total unit replacement. It has been so bad that our dogs would not even drink the water.

A new system has finally been installed that is suppose to alleviate the issue. Which for the cold water it has for the most part, but the hot water still smells.

My question is that this new system requires us to fill a container with bleach every 2 days. This is becoming expensive. Our lease agreement states we agree to supply salt for the water softener which I have no issues with - we agreed to that. However, because this is a new system , the supply of bleach is not in the lease. Are we entitle to have our rent reduced by the amount money we are spending on bleach or is this an expense that we are going to have to incur?

I don't want to rock the boat with our landlord but we have spent so much money on bottle water already in the last 8 months we might as well have been living in the city and paying for municipal water.

Any advice you have on how to broach the subject with the landlord would be appreciated.

Signed -

Sick and Tired of Water Issues.