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Ontario Works ''worker'' Treating me Poorly

I have an Ontario works worker who has treated me poorly since I met her. I am currently using Ontario works while I wait for my insurance benefits to go through from my place of work. I am required to pay back all the money I've taken, just to be clear, this is not a hand out but purely a loan. When I ask her a question she rudely tells me to ''google it,'' she did not offer me transportation money which I desperately needed to get to all the doctors appointments. As of right now, I've missed one very important appointment due to not having the funds. She did not offer me any TTC tokens after going to an appointment I was supposed to be exempt from (job search appointment).

During my appointment, she sat there typing things while asking me personal questions about my situation that I had already answered in an hour long appointment one week prior with the intake worker. She's been mean and unhelpful. She has refused to offer me any of the other basic needs that I could be entitled to like transportation and a special diet. I found out about these things because I GOOGLED it.

Has anyone else had issues with their worker treating them poorly? Can I complain and have a new worker issued? Any help would be appreciated.