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Non-Resident Canadian Sponsoring Spouse for PR


My Brother's Daughter, her husband along with two kids came to Canada from Singapore with a PR card.

Almost last one year, he was torturing my brother's daughter and not allowing her to have a mobile to communicate to her parents side in India.

Both her husband and her mother in law are daily torturing and during May they had a big fight and the police had to come. She wanted only a vacation to come to India as she wants to over come that trauma, but they didn't budge and finally police had to come.

Police got the Passport and she came out and stayed in the Women shelter at Canada with the kids at her husband's care. Since they could not manage the children, they have cajoled them to rejoin the family and she rejoined the family for the sake of kids. When she was sent out, she was sent without a penny.

We could arrange money to some body in Canada and they have drawn the currency and gave her in Cash. When she rejoined, both the husband the mother in law criminally conspired that they should come to India to visit temples to get rid of the evil effects of the family and persuaded her to come to India.

Upon landing in India, they have deserted the kids and the wife in the Airport and went incognito and after a week, they sent the divorce notice to my brother's address where she had to reside. Notice only served and it is not from the Court.

Now, If she comes to Canada, can she make a complaint against her or it will not bind them as they can quote that their is a case in India.

What is the legal position now in Canada.