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Employment Rights

Hi, I have a question regarding my rights after taking some time off for work related stress. I was off for a period of six weeks resonantly and upon my returned to work me and my employer sign on an accommodation plan. My doctor stated that I can no longer works night or overtime hours do to medical reason. My employer ask me to get a psychological evaluation form fill out by my doctor within five days or else. I stated that it takes more then that just to make an appointment. I made an appointment for March 26, 2020 and told my employer which was not satisfied. He them turn around and ask me to go to walk-in clinic to gets it fill-out. I did go to six different walk-in clinic, which all stated that they cannot fill-out, as they do not have medical on me. I took this to my employer which again was not satisfy and said that he would give me an answer on Monday on the consequences. My employer will more then likely suspend me from work or fire me. Can my employer suspend me from work or fire me for this. I did all I can to try and get the forms fill-out, but it's out of my control on what theses doctors do. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. This situation is putting me on edge. I have done everything they ask of me. Thanks