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Tenant will never move

We have a tenant who is on month to month for past 2 years and who has been late in rent past year. We gave the tenant 60 days written notice notice to vacate as we are selling house. The tenant has refused us to inspect the house with 24hr notice until we called the police to keep the peace then we can get entrance. We have listed the house and tenant keeps on removing the sign. Tenant really wants to buy the house and put in an offer with no deposit so we rejected the offer. Tenant has no intentions of moving or leaving. They want the house but can't even pay rent. The house is over $1M. We would be willing to give tenant their 1st and last for their new place if they move out but they said they won't move. Is my only option is the tenant and landlord board to get judge order to have the sheriff remove their family of four and wait for the court to re-open?