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Vanilla cake

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Adding partner to ODSP

Vanilla cake
Vanilla cake

I am a Canadian citizen, I don’t work and I receive odsp payments on monthly basis. I sponsored my partner to Canada. I used to live with my family and it was a great help for me to save money that was how I could afford to hire a lawyer to help with sponsorship.

My partner and I now live together on our own. When I talk to my caseworker in odsp she said to provide all the immigration papers and details so she can add him to my file to receive money as he’s not working and we need an income.

It’s clear to me that ODSP recipients can sponsor their spouse but will my caseworker not ask me how I could afford to hire and pay my lawyer or will she ask ircc to send her my case that she can read all the details? I’m very stressed that I may stop receiving ODSP benefits due to not using the money for myself and I saved it. Well I used some of it when I needed but mostly I was saving for a better future and life.
Can you please help me out?????