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14 days ago
Undocumented Inquiries

Hi, I hope there is someone who can help me regarding my situation. I am here in Canada working undocumented. the employer promised me to have my work permit and as soon as possible. he ask me to work right away to secure the jobs. so I decided to take a risk. there are times that I work without day off for 12hours daily. not getting paid on time and no overtime pay as agreed on my Job Offer. I don't know if my application is being processed or what since I don't have a way to check it. but I paid for it and the LMIA Fee. I am so frustrated because he said that LMIA application is denied and he no longer needed me for the job. I have lot of debts because of this and I really don't know what to do next. I am hoping someone can help me here please :(