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How do I renew a health card without a license? 

Posts: 4104

Posted On: 9/30/2021
Posts: 4104
montyjammable wrote:
This requirement by the Province discriminates against non-drivers. We pay for an Ontario ID card yet cannot use it to renew our health cards during the pandemic. As noted above, many people who do not drive are elderly and/or have health issues that preclude them from driving. I would like to see this changed. Who do I talk to about this?

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question with us.

While the Ministry of Health does accept questions directly on their website, if you feel passionately about this matter, you may also wish to connect with your M.P.P. by writing them a letter. You can find information on how to contact your local representative for provincial parliament on the Ontario Legislative Assembly website.

We hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have any follow up questions.


Your Settlement.Org team
Posts: 1

Posted On: 11/20/2021
Posts: 1
Hello i want to know can i renew my health card without licence if i use declaration from a guarantor.
Thank you
Posts: 1

Posted On: 12/5/2021
Posts: 1

I am seeing enough communication here to understand that I cannot renew my health card online unless I have a driver's license, even if I do have an Ontario Photo ID Card. While I am not about to call it discrimination, I do have concerns this policy does not meet the needs of all Ontario residents, and it is disappointing in the current day that you have these limitations. A simple question, then - is there any plan to fix this in the future?
Posts: 4

Posted On: 12/6/2021
Posts: 4
The simple answer is no. I have contacted my MPP and she received this response:

"Service Ontario provides the delivery of the health card and driver’s license on behalf of the home ministry (Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Health). For this particular case, MOH does not allow the use of the Ontario Photo Card to be a tool to renew the health card online. I can share that this is a very real issue, and I know it is being discussed between the two ministries. I just cannot say when any changes may be forthcoming. Hopefully soon."

epspe wrote:

I am seeing enough communication here to understand that I cannot renew my health card online unless I have a driver's license, even if I do have an Ontario Photo ID Card. While I am not about to call it discrimination, I do have concerns this policy does not meet the needs of all Ontario residents, and it is disappointing in the current day that you have these limitations. A simple question, then - is there any plan to fix this in the future?
Theresa F
Theresa F
Posts: 1

Posted On: 12/8/2021
Theresa F
Theresa F
Posts: 1
Moderator wrote:
Charmayne wrote:
My husband's health card has expired and he does not have a current Driver's License and I understand we cannot renew this online without a valid Driver's License, however he is not well and will be going into a nursing home soon and therefore not able to physically go to a Service Canada location to do this in person. Can you tell me how we can get a new Health Card due to this situation.

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us.

It should be possible to still access health services with an expired health card. Expired health cards remain valid during the pandemic, and health care providers have the tools to validate your card each time you visit. You can check whether his card is valid by calling ServiceOntario at 1-866-532-3161. If it is no longer valid, you will need to update your health card registration by visiting a Service Ontario centre.

We hope this more information is helpful. Please follow up with us if you have any further questions.


Your Settlement.Org team
Posts: 1

Posted On: 12/16/2021
Posts: 1
Please tell me why I can not renew my health card online. The computer knows I have a valid Drivers License and have both for over 50 years. I think you need to update your software. You keep saying your expired Health Card is valid but you do not say what happens after Feb 2021 when it is not. If I have had a valid Drivers license and a valid Health card for over 50 years why are you making it so hard to renew my Health Card online.
You want me to go and stand inline outside in the winter during a pandemic when all you have to do is a little tweak on your software.

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and situation with us.

It should be possible to still access health services with an expired health card. Expired health cards remain valid during the pandemic, and health care providers have the tools to validate your card each time you visit. You can check whether his card is valid by calling ServiceOntario at 1-866-532-3161. If it is no longer valid, you will need to update your health card registration by visiting a Service Ontario centre.

We hope this more information is helpful. Please follow up with us if you have any further questions.


Your Settlement.Org team
Posts: 4

Posted On: 12/17/2021
Posts: 4
While expired health cards remain valid during the pandemic, why does every health care provider insist on telling me that I need to renew my health card? They are not denying me service but they are telling me it is expired.

How difficult would it be to fix the website so that everyone with an expired health card can renew it online? We are heading into year two of the pandemic and you still haven't addressed this issue. Do better!
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 12/20/2021
Posts: 4104
montyjammable wrote:
While expired health cards remain valid during the pandemic, why does every health care provider insist on telling me that I need to renew my health card? They are not denying me service but they are telling me it is expired.

How difficult would it be to fix the website so that everyone with an expired health card can renew it online? We are heading into year two of the pandemic and you still haven't addressed this issue. Do better!

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and sharing your question with us.

We can appreciate how frustrating it can feel when you’re told about your expired health card, it’s been happening to almost everyone since the pandemic began.

You may be glad to know there are options to renew your health card online.

However, if you need a new photo you will need to visit a ServiceOntario centre. You will likely need to get your photo taken if:

  • you are replacing your red and white health card
  • your photo is 10 years or older
  • you are turning 16 years old
  • you are renewing in-person
  • you are making a change to your name
  • you received a notice in the mail from ServiceOntario to a Service Ontario location.”

If you cannot visit a ServiceOntario centre for a medical reason, you must have a physician or nurse practitioner fill out a Health Card Medical Exemption Request form.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to post them to the discussion forum here.

Your Settlement.Org Team,

Information & Referral Specialist - CCRS
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 12/20/2021
Posts: 4104
KennyPittam wrote:
Please tell me why I can not renew my health card online. The computer knows I have a valid Drivers License and have both for over 50 years. I think you need to update your software. You keep saying your expired Health Card is valid but you do not say what happens after Feb 2021 when it is not. If I have had a valid Drivers license and a valid Health card for over 50 years why are you making it so hard to renew my Health Card online.
You want me to go and stand inline outside in the winter during a pandemic when all you have to do is a little tweak on your software.

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and sharing your question with us.

We can understand that the new process can be a bit confusing, we hope with time the Service Ontario site will be easier for everyone to navigate.

The provincial government has given options to renew your health card online. And there is an option to renew both your OHIP and Driver’s Licence at the same time. You can also book an appointment online so you don't have to wait in long lines at the Service Ontario location of your choice. If you do not want to book online, it is advised to call ahead to ensure the location is open and learn about any restrictions that may be in place.

However, if you need a new photo you will need to visit a ServiceOntario centre. You will likely need to get your photo taken if:

  • you are replacing your red and white health card
  • your photo is 10 years or older
  • you are turning 16 years old
  • you are renewing in-person
  • you are making a change to your name
  • you received a notice in the mail from ServiceOntario to a Service Ontario location.

If you or someone you know is over the age of 80 there are other options for renewing your documents

If you cannot visit a ServiceOntario centre for a medical reason, you must have a physician or nurse practitioner fill out a Health Card Medical Exemption Request form.

If you would like to submit your feedback about the online process you can submit any comments or concerns through this provincial page.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to post them to the discussion forum here.

Your Settlement.Org Team,
Information & Referral Specialist - CCRS
Posts: 4

Posted On: 12/20/2021
Posts: 4
I do not have a driver's licence and am therefore prohibited from renewing my health card online. This is blatant discrimination against non-drivers. I have paid for an Ontario Photo ID card yet this is not suitable identification to renew my health card online.

Moderator wrote:
montyjammable wrote:
While expired health cards remain valid during the pandemic, why does every health care provider insist on telling me that I need to renew my health card? They are not denying me service but they are telling me it is expired.

How difficult would it be to fix the website so that everyone with an expired health card can renew it online? We are heading into year two of the pandemic and you still haven't addressed this issue. Do better!

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and sharing your question with us.

We can appreciate how frustrating it can feel when you’re told about your expired health card, it’s been happening to almost everyone since the pandemic began.

You may be glad to know there are options to renew your health card online.

However, if you need a new photo you will need to visit a ServiceOntario centre. You will likely need to get your photo taken if:

  • you are replacing your red and white health card
  • your photo is 10 years or older
  • you are turning 16 years old
  • you are renewing in-person
  • you are making a change to your name
  • you received a notice in the mail from ServiceOntario to a Service Ontario location.”

If you cannot visit a ServiceOntario centre for a medical reason, you must have a physician or nurse practitioner fill out a Health Card Medical Exemption Request form.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to post them to the discussion forum here.

Your Settlement.Org Team,

Information & Referral Specialist - CCRS
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 12/20/2021
Posts: 4104
montyjammable wrote:
I do not have a driver's licence and am therefore prohibited from renewing my health card online. This is blatant discrimination against non-drivers. I have paid for an Ontario Photo ID card yet this is not suitable identification to renew my health card online.

Hi Montyjammable.

Thank you for reaching out and following up.

We can understand the current process is not equitable for those that do not have the accepted Photo ID, we hope with time the Service Ontario site will be accessible for everyone.

You may wish to express your concerns directly by contacting Service Ontario’s Customer Experience Office to provide them with your feedback.

You can also raise your concerns with your Member of Provincial Parliament.

We are sorry we can’t help you with this specific issue beyond providing information. The Settlement.Org website is managed by the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI). OCASI is a non-profit organization that acts as a collective voice for immigrant-serving agencies in Ontario. We are funded by the provincial and federal governments but we have no formal pathways to escalate your concerns.

You can also submit feedback about the online process you can submit any comments or concerns through this provincial page.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to post them to the discussion forum here.

Your Settlement.Org Team,
Information & Referral Specialist - CCRS
Posts: 3

Posted On: 2/4/2022
Posts: 3
I'm understanding the colossal dysfunction in the heath card renewal facility online now. Are they aware this is causing me to spend money i dont have to take a taxi to where the service place is..then who knows what the mysterious requirements to renew will be?? If I'm not told beforehand...... so I'm now days past my mailed to me renewal window has now passed.. i dont want to waste more time out of my self-employed hours.. already 3.5 hours on hold now..i'mpartially disabled and very immunocompromised PLEASE TELL ME WHAT ID I WILL NEED TO BRING WITH ME. AFTER ALL THIS TIME WASTED..I DONT WANT TO SEE MY EXPENSIVE CAB RIDE WASTED TOO PLEASE
Posts: 3

Posted On: 2/4/2022
Posts: 3
ok so now it hung up on me after 3 hours on hold...simply 'thank you for calling goodbye'

LML wrote:
I'm understanding the colossal dysfunction in the heath card renewal facility online now. Are they aware this is causing me to spend money i dont have to take a taxi to where the service place is..then who knows what the mysterious requirements to renew will be?? If I'm not told beforehand...... so I'm now days past my mailed to me renewal window has now passed.. i dont want to waste more time out of my self-employed hours.. already 3.5 hours on hold now..i'mpartially disabled and very immunocompromised PLEASE TELL ME WHAT ID I WILL NEED TO BRING WITH ME. AFTER ALL THIS TIME WASTED..I DONT WANT TO SEE MY EXPENSIVE CAB RIDE WASTED TOO PLEASE
Posts: 3

Posted On: 2/5/2022
Posts: 3
I'm understanding the software issues still in the green photo heath card renewal facility online. Since i dont drive..i will have to spend money to take a taxi to where the service place is..What are ID requirements to renew if i dont drive? I need to be told beforehand......i have an ontario photo id card.. so I'm now days past my mailed to me renewal window ... already I spent 3.5 hours on hold ..then i was automatically disconnected. ..simply 'thank you for calling goodbye' i'm partially disabled and very immunocompromised can you tell me how to book an appointment for the service ontario place?
Posts: 4104

Posted On: 2/28/2022
Posts: 4104
LML wrote:
I'm understanding the software issues still in the green photo heath card renewal facility online. Since i dont drive..i will have to spend money to take a taxi to where the service place is..What are ID requirements to renew if i dont drive? I need to be told beforehand......i have an ontario photo id card.. so I'm now days past my mailed to me renewal window ... already I spent 3.5 hours on hold ..then i was automatically disconnected. ..simply 'thank you for calling goodbye' i'm partially disabled and very immunocompromised can you tell me how to book an appointment for the service ontario place?

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to Settlement.Org, the recommendations above share how to make a complaint and some of the options for folks who may have trouble reaching Service Ontario in person. This particular accommodation may be helpful:
If you cannot visit a ServiceOntario centre for a medical reason, you must have a physician or nurse practitioner fill out a Health Card Medical Exemption Request form.

You may also want to call ServiceOntario at 1-866-532-3161 for further clarification on what your options are. In my experience, wait times are shorter early in the morning (8:30 is when they open) I hope this helpful information.


Your Settlement.Org team