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ODSP Approval

Hello all! I have an ODSP related question to which I've received varying answers.

I looked at other ODSP related questions on this site, but none answered my specific question.

I am on CPP Disability, a Canadian citizen, live in Ontario, and cannot work. I live with my parents and sister. Combined, they make over $100 000/yr. My parents are both retired. My family has a lot of assets (financial accounts, savings, and property). All their assets probably total well over $1M.

I personally make about $9 000/yr and have no assets other than an RDSP. I have a car loan that I pay but the car is not in my name. My parents use the car (it's their only car) and I decided to keep paying for it to help them out.

My question is: Will ODSP not approve me because my household income and assets are too much?

The way I understand it is that ODSP will not approve me because of my household income and assets. If they consider my personal income and assets only, I am well below the ODSP limits. I called the ODSP office and the representative told me they look at household income and assets. A lawyer told me otherwise. He said they only look at my personal income and assets. This makes more sense to me because my family's income is their income, not mine.

I didn't think I'd get approved, so for almost 5 yrs I never bothered to apply. I went to the office when I got out of the hospital, but the case worker said I probably wouldn't get approved because at that time the car was in my name. I didn't apply and never went back.

I'm confused! Someone please enlighten me!

Thank you!
ODSP Approval

Thank you so much Anna! I will contact the ODSP office ASAP!